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This article appears in the August 25, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

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Scientists Endorse CLINTEL-Italia’s Statement Denouncing ‘Climate Alarmism’

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Schiller Institute
Prof. Alberto Prestininzi, Ambassador for Italy of the CLINTEL International Foundation
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Crescenti Facebook page
Prof. Uberto Crescenti, President of CLINTEL-Italia

Aug. 20— In response to the intense mass brainwashing campaign of “climate alarmism,” a group of Italian scientists on July 30 issued a press release refuting charges made by the media, government officials, and even Pope Francis, that this Summer’s extensive flooding and heat wave in Italy, and more generally in southern Europe, are the result of “climate change.” The statement, titled “Unjustified Alarmism on the Anthropogenic Origin of Climate Change,” was released by CLINTEL-Italia, one of whose leaders is Alberto Prestininzi, Ambassador for Italy of the International CLINTEL Foundation, which is circulating an international petition titled, “World Climate Declaration: There Is No Climate Emergency.” To date that petition has been signed by over 1,600 prominent scientists and professionals.

The CLINTEL-Italia press release, translated from the original Italian, is printed in full below, along with several of the prominent signatories. A recent signatory of CLINTEL’s “World Climate Declaration” is Dr. John F. Clauser of the United States, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. Dr. Clauser, a member of the board of directors of the CO2 Coalition, made this very powerful statement in support of the petition:

The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people. Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.

CLINTEL-Italia Press Release

Unjustified Alarmism on the Anthropogenic Origin of Climate Change

We of CLINTEL-Italia, already promoters of the petition, “There Is No Climate Emergency,” sent to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, and [we as] authors of the recent book, Dialogues on Climate, Between Emergency and Knowledge, edited by Alberto Prestininzi, express concern about the alarm that the media are launching regarding a climate emergency of alleged anthropogenic origin. This unwarranted alarm is polluting the consciences of even high-level policy makers, a circumstance that induces them to address problems of real risk, not with prevention, but with measures that, in fact, do not even address the problems.

The climate emergency that generates panic and worries most relates to the fact that the average global temperature would be about 1 degree higher than it was more than a century ago. To this phenomenon, which is natural, and not necessarily unpleasant, are being attributed, without any scientific reason, all severe weather events and, with them, all damages that until the 1980s were framed in prevention activities and studied through risk analysis, where human vulnerability was the essential element. For example, deaths from heat waves, drought phenomena, flooding phenomena, and more, are attributed to this higher degree of temperature than over a century ago. Those sounding the alarm also have their recipe: Commit trillions of taxpayers’ money and implement the energy transition, the magic word that would be their promise for solving said problems.

Unfortunately, it is precisely the energy transition that is the real cause of the problems mentioned. It, pursued now for more than two decades, has led, on the one hand, to an increase in the cost of electricity, a circumstance that has increased, among the weakest, the number of people who cannot afford air conditioning of the rooms where they live or work, which alone would avoid, not that single degree more to which global warming pertains, but the 15–20 degrees more of heat waves that have always hit in the summer, and today no more than in the past.

On the other hand, the energy transition, promised as a panacea to combat the undesirable consequences of drought or flooding phenomena, actually exacerbates these consequences, because they are combatted not with the installations of wind or photovoltaic plants, as the energy transition claims to do, but through prevention activities, already indicated by Law 183/89, built according to the studies of the De Marchi Commission—prevention that the Basin Authorities, now District Authorities, propose with Spatial Planning interventions and the implementation of works for water management (dams, expansion tanks, etc.).

Energy transition also takes resources away from another big and real risk, earthquake risk, which is obscured in the media and in the discourse of policymakers, by the fake risk of the changing climate.

We at CLINTEL-Italia stigmatize the illusion of energy transition that is dazzling public opinion and some politicians at the highest levels. We stigmatize the misinformation spread by all the press and mass communication organs, which avoid any confrontation with what is the real problem affecting humanity, especially in its weakest components: the availability of abundant and affordable energy. We stigmatize the refusal on the part of those wielding the terror of the fake climate alarm to confront the technical and scientific aspects of the alleged alarm they raise and the false solutions they propose.

Uberto Crescenti
Professor Emeritus of Applied Geology (già Magnifico Rettore), Università di Chieti-Pescara
President of CLINTEL-Italia

Alberto Prestininzi
Professor of Applied Geology, Università La Sapienza, Roma
Ambassador for Italy of the CLINTEL International Foundation

Franco Battaglia
Professor of Chemical Physics, Università di Modena

Mario Giaccio
Professor of Economics of Energy Sources (and Director of the Faculty of Economics), Università di Chieti-Pescara

Enrico Miccadei
Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology, Università di Chieti-Pescara
Professor of Seismology, Università di Trieste
Member of the Lincei Academy and the National Academy of Sciences

Franco Prodi
Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Università di Ferrara

Nicola Scafetta
Professor of Atmospheric Physics and Oceanography, Università Federico II di Napoli

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