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This article appears in the July 28, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Schiller Institute Strasbourg Conference

The Blossoming of a New Paradigm

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EIRNS/Chris Lewis
With the trans-Atlantic financial system on the brink of complete disintegration and Global NATO escalating for war with Russia and China, the Schiller Institute brought together an international audience to deliberate on peace through economic development. Strasbourg, France, July 8–9, 2023.

July 21—On July 8–9 the Schiller Institute held an international conference in Strasbourg, France titled “On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!” Convened in the Grande salle de l’Aubette (Great Hall of the Aubette) situated in the historic central square of Strasbourg, known as the Place Kléber, over 200 people from all parts of the globe participated in two days of intense deliberation on causes and solutions to the current crises facing Mankind—not the least of which is the threat of thermonuclear war.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute, in a discussion with colleagues following the conference characterized its uniqueness by the fact that brought together were people from different countries of the world, different backgrounds, philosophies and ideologies—both right and left. But despite these differences, what was recognized by all was the absolute necessity to end the drive for global war and usher in a new paradigm.

According to Zepp-LaRouche:

[W]hat became very clear is the idea that we need a new paradigm, a new image of man to replace war and confrontation and hatred, with cooperation, with a sense of love and love for mankind. That was also a spirit which very, very clearly came out.

She stressed that the Schiller Institute is playing a crucial role in today’s global affairs as the only organization providing a platform where people with such a diversity of backgrounds can express their views without fear of censorship or retribution. Many participants openly conveyed their relief and satisfaction that such a platform exists!

In the following pages, this issue of EIR provides transcripts of four presentations from panel IV of the conference, titled “A Culture to Emancipate and Expand the Creative Capacities of Every Human Being: A Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations.” The panelists, from Belgium, Italy, Latvia, and Germany, each address a different cultural theme underlying the current global strategic crisis. The entire panel should be watched in its entirety to provide oneself with an understanding of why culture is not only critical, but possibly the most important factor necessary for resolving the crisis and ushering in a new paradigm.

Videos of all conference panels are available on the Schiller Institute website here.

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