Volume 15, Number 29, July 22, 1988



Gen. Jean-Gabriel Revault d’Allones

A French retired general, one of President de Gaulle’s associates, is now general secretary of Support for Free Chad. He discusses that country’s political and economic crisis.

Donovan McClure

by Nicholas F. Benton

The spokesman for Americans Against Government Control of Unions, on the Justice Department’s action against the Teamsters.

Science & Technology

Economic Warfare Hits U.S. Defense Capability

by Carol White

Analyzes the destruction of our military-industrial infrastructure by the budget-cutting fanatics.


Fraud of the Recovery

by Joyce Fredman

Working and Hungry.

Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

Sabotage behind the Air Crashes?

Andean Report

by Lucía Méndez

Anybody But Carlos Andrés Perez.

Report from Rio

by Silvia Palacios

The Return of the Empire


A World in Crisis.

AIDS Update

Conference Report: Can Thai Public Health Officials Check the Spread of AIDS?

by Sophie Tanapura

California Rules AIDS a Handicap


Mexico Vote Leads Revolt against the IMF

by Robyn Quijano

Although fraud may formally deny the fact, the fact that the anti-IMF Cárdenas won the Presidential elections, creates a whole new political geometry in that country and internationally-and the bankers are worried.

Mexico No Longer To Be Model Debtor

by Mark Sonnenblick

Mexican Oligarchs Rush to Dictatorship

by Héctor Apolinar

Washington Stunned by Mexican Vote

by Dolia Estévez-Pettingell

Peronist Victory Scares Creditors

by Cynthia R. Rush

Currency Rates

Soviet Takeover Is ‘Single Europe’ Goal

by William Engdahl

Can Thai Public Health Officials Check the Spread of AIDS?

by Sophie Tanapura

At a meeting in Bangkok, sparks flew over the World Health Organization’s AIDS cover-up.

Business Briefs


Drought in U.S. Means Worldwide Food Catastrophe

by Marcia Merry

The United States is such an important food source for the world that famine is widely threatened if the U.S. government clings to its policy of inaction.

World Food Stocks Below Danger Levels

by Robert L. Baker and Marcia Merry

‘Drought of 88’ Cuts Crops, Crop Potential

by Robert L. Baker and George Elder

Western Grain Bins Emptied into Russia

by Robert L. Baker and Marcia Merry

It’s Time To Revive NAWAPA Water Plan

by Nicholas F. Benton

Emergency Measures for Drought, Food Crisis

Locusts Threaten Africa with Famine

by Marjorie Mazel Hecht


East Bloc Ethnic Unrest Flies Out of Control

by Luba George

What began as a KGB exercise in Armenia, has now become a forest fire sweeping the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. What will happen now, even the Kremlin leaders don’t know.

Party Conference Did Not Help Gorbachov

by Konstantin George

Eastern Mediterranean Region On Fire

by Thierry Lalevée

Saudi-British Deal: The End of an Era

by Joseph Brewda

Sovereignty Fight for Canal Comes to Fore in Panama Crisis

by Gretchen Small

The Battle for Iran after Khomeini

by Thierry Lalevée

Britain’s Chatham House Pursues ‘Condominium’ Delusion with Soviets

by Mark Burdman

Toward a New Soviet Military Doctrine?

by Lt. Gen. Gerard C. Berkhof (RNA-ret.)

Address to an EIR seminar on electromagnetic weapons in London.

International Intelligence


Pentagate Exposed as Weld and Hudson’s Dirtiest Sting

It seems that Alexandria prosecutor likes to blackmail pederasts to perform “sting” operations for him.

A. Wohlstetter and the Trotskyites in the National Security Woodwork

by Scott Thompson

One of the chief influences behind disastrous changes in U.S. strategic policy has gone to great lengths to conceal his past, but an EIR research team has uncovered it, and we’re not so sure it’s just his “past.”

Bush Seizes the Reins of Government

by Nicholas F. Benton

Teamsters’ Takeover Stalled as Judge Refuses DoJ Injunction

by Edward Spannaus

Democratic Convention Could Be 1968 Replay

by Herbert Quinde

Eye on Washington

by Nicholas F. Benton

Meese Hints Weld Under Investigation — EIR Focuses Media on Iranian Airliner.

Congressional Closeup

by William Jones

National News
