Volume 12, Number 29, July 26, 1985



Richard Burt Politically Wounded in Senate Vote

by Warren J. Hamerman

Documentation: LaRouche hails patriotic Senators who rejected Burt.

Goldwater, Helms Speak Against Burt

Telegrams from Around the World Oppose Burt

U.S. Coalition: Stop the Burt Nomination!


Attic Chronicle

by Phocion

Jimmy Carter in Athens.

Northern Flank

by Aurora Borealis

A Campaign for the Alliance in Sweden.

Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

Who Covers Up Soviet Provocations?

Report from Paris

by Philip Golub

Elections Mean Major Changes.


Our Responsibility to the Philippines.


Volcker to Reagan: All Deals Are Off

by Christopher White

Abandoning all pretenses about an economic “recovery,” the Fed chairman is now saying, in effect, that he is handing control of economic policy over to those foreign institutions which he made the nation’s creditors.

Is Mexico Ready To Break with IMF, Galvanize Debtors?

by Mark Sonnenblick

Currency Rates

Energy: How Mexican Oil Price Was Broken

by Carlos Valdez

IMF, State Dept. Back Bolivian Drug Czar

by Cynthia R. Rush

Canadians, Like Their Southern Neighbors, Watch Farming Collapse

by George Elder

New Strides toward Kra Canal Project

by Linda de Hoyos


by John Grauerholz, M.D.

Depreciating the Health of the Poor.

Starbridge: An Elevator to Near Earth Orbit

by Charles B. Stevens

Business Briefs


India: Overcoming the Infrastructure Bottleneck

by Ramtanu Maitra

The absence of much basic infrastructure—communications, transportation, power, water management, and manpower development—leaves the nation closed to positive economic development.

India’s Energy and Transportation Sectors Need a Priority Effort

by Ramtanu Maitra

A Strategy for the Development of India

by Uwe Henke v. Parpart

High Technology To Maximize Resources

by Dr. N. Tata Rao


Hemisphere’s Labor Leaders Ask Debt Meeting with Reagan

by Silvia Palacios

Forty-three unionists from eight countries gathered in Mexico City from July 15 to 17 for the First Hemispheric Conference of the Schiller Institute Labor Commission, and mapped out a continental battle plan against the International Monetary Fund.

Documentation: The Manifesto titled, “Stop the IMF’s Genocide! For the Integration and Development of Ibero-America.”

Massive New Soviet Military Maneuvers Accompanied by Command Changes

by Konstantin George

Manila Calls Washington’s Bluff over Military Base Agreement

by Gail G. Billington

An East-West Deal over Agca Trial?

by Umberto Pascali

Moscow Builds Up Libya for War

by Thierry Lalevée

International Intelligence


Don Regan’s Palace Guard Is Fast Seizing Power

by Kathleen Klenetsky

Investigative Leads: Terrorists in U.S. Readied for Action

Bill Weld’s Soviet Legal Standards

by Edward Spannaus

Kissinger Watch

by M.T. Upharson

The “Sons of Kissinger” and Europe’s New Potsdam.

Eye on Washington

by Nicholas F. Benton

A Refreshing Exercise in Moral Outrage.

Congressional Closeup

by Ronald Kokinda and Susan Kokinda

National News
