From Volume 38, Issue 2 of EIR Online, Published Jan. 14, 2011
Russia and the CIS News Digest

Seminar with LaRouche Published in Russia's Zavtra

Jan. 5 (EIRNS)—Excerpts from the seminar held in Northern Virginia on Nov. 7, 2010, bringing together Russian historian Alexander Nagorny, Lyndon LaRouche, and friends and associates of LaRouche, were published as a front-page article in today's issue of the Russian weekly Zavtra, under the headline "Visiting LaRouche." Nagorny is deputy editor of the newspaper.

In the online edition of Zavtra, the transcript excerpts are the second lead article, accompanied by a commentary on what's wrong with Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin that has caused him to be named "Finance Minister of the Year" by one British publication after another.

The complete transcript of the seminar appeared in EIR of Dec. 17, 2010, titled "The Cultural Imperative of Russian-American Cooperation." The much shorter excerpts chosen for Zavtra's newspaper format focus on key elements of the four-hour discussion, including the U.S. political configuration with the incoming pro-fascist band around Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.); the history of British subversion of Russia in the post-war period, through Bertrand Russell and his relationship with Nikita Khrushchov, and the foundation of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); the moral degeneration of the world since World War I; the vision of a Vernadskyan world through NAWAPA and the Bering Strait rail tunnel crossing; and the delusions of monetarism in its many guises. On the latter point, Zavtra included the exciting discussion by LaRouchePAC leader Michael Kirsch on national credit for real economic development.

The LaRouche transcript began to be quoted in Russian blogs from the minute it appeared in the online edition of Zavtra.

Also today, just-released Russian voiceovers of Lyndon LaRouche's answers to questions after his May 8, 2010 webcast, "The Greatest Crisis in Modern History," were among the top dozen most-watched video clips on the Russian RuTube service. One is LaRouche's reply, last May, to a question from Russia about what was happening with the protests in Greece and the EU bailout for that country. What LaRouche said then about the British-Venetian imperial roots of the crisis, and the Glass-Steagall principle as step #1 toward its solution, is even more timely today.

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