EIR Online
Online Almanac
From Volume 37, Issue 13 of EIR Online, Published Apr. 2, 2010

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Defining Life's Actual Purpose:
The Brutish Theology of Sex
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The actual issue posed by the latest outbreak of scandal in the Catholic Church, LaRouche writes, 'is not that of 'sex' as such, but, rather, abuse of minors. . . . The manner in which this matter has been treated publicly has been largely a way of attempting to divert attention from the actually murderous intentions of those who have done the most to promote these exposures. . . .' The essential matter, he continues, is that 'the Catholic Church has continued, in fact, to be the principal rallying point, globally, against the current, largely criminal, British doctrine of global genocide, a Hitler-like British crime against humanity, which is now being practiced, jointly, in the extreme by the British monarchy and by the U.S. Presidency of Barack Obama.'

In-Depth articles from EIR, Vol. 37, No. 13
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This Week's Cover


Strategic Report

  • Germany's Future Potential:
    Rebuild After the Collapse

    BüSo chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed her party's conference March 20, reporting that the political shift in the U.S. will have a major impact in Germany, and throughout Europe. It is time for a revival of the German Classical ideal, epitomized by Cusa, Schiller, Beethoven, and the other great humanists.

The LaRouche Show

  • Mankind, the 'Weak Force,' Drives and Shapes the Universe
    LaRouche Youth Movement leaders Sky Shields and Alicia Cerretani were interviewed March 20, on EIR's The LaRouche Show, by host Harley Schlanger. They discussed the phase-shift represented by Kesha Rogers' victory in Texas, and the potential for a return to manned space exploration.

This Week's News

The Weekly Digests will return with the next issue.

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