.Executive Intelligence Review Online
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Obama's `Pound of Flesh'!:
Act Now!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

May 24—Since his visit to hug the wicked little Queen in London, President Barack Obama no longer pretends to be the person he only seemed to be, briefly, during that preceding, initial, short ``honeymoon'' phase of his Presidency. To a certain degree, I can account for certain exact evidence of his current behavior, both as to its character, and to its, presently threatened, horrid outcome for the world, if that pattern is allowed to continue without a sweeping reversal, very soon, of every policy he has put forward since that pilgrimage to worship at the shrine of imperial Buckingham Palace....

This Week's News

The LaRouche Show
3pm, Eastern Time
2000-2100 UTC
(live and archived)

(all but the 'In Depth' section.)

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The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Stanislav M. Menshikov
March 23, 2007
—EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.

Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat."

This Week's Cover


  • The Substance of Tensors:
    The Ontological Matter
    by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

    A breakthrough by a member of the LaRouche Youth Movement 'Basement Team' on the concept of the tensor, inspired LaRouche's latest discussion on the subject of scientific and poetic irony: The clearest example of that universal principle of Classical poetic irony as encountered in the work of physical science, is presented to us in the most deeply-rooted treatments of the work of Bernhard Riemann, as in the attention to his work by the scientists Albert Einstein and Academician Vernadsky.



  • Mumbai II:
    Pakistan Faces Multiple Challenges

    The accuracy and size of the terrorist attack in Lahore, Pakistan on May 27 indicate that the terrorists belong to the same group that carried out the assault on Mumbai, India last November. Meanwhile, helplessness and confusion prevail in the Obama Administration over its Afghanistan-Pakistan policy.
  • Mattei and Kennedy:
    The Strategic Alliance Killed by the British

    The collaboration between postwar industrial and political leader Enrico Mattei, and U.S. President John F. Kennedy demonstrates that after World War II, the main divide in the world was never the conflict between 'communism' and the 'free world,' but that between the American System and the British Empire.


  • Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe
    Dr. Hoppe is the president of the German Medical Association. He spoke at the 33rd German Medical Assembly in Mainz on May 19-22, 2009.

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