Volume 35, Number 42, October 24, 2008


LaRouche: New Bretton Woods Must Revive Peace of Westphalia  

Lyndon LaRouche emphasizes that a new global financial system must be based on the principles of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, which established the principle of cooperation among sovereign nation-states, around the idea of “the benefit of the other.”

Conference in Rhodes: For a New World Economic Order in the Tradition of the Peace of Westphalia  

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Speech to the Sixth General Meeting of the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations, in Rhodes Oct. 9-13.

Dialogue of Civilizations at Rhodes: Neo-Liberal Dogma Has Failed; Now Listen to LaRouche!  

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

LaRouche Statement: U.S. Must Take Up Lavrov’s Offer Now!  

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov calls for cooperation: “Everyone needs the America of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.”

Europeans Look to LaRouche Allies on New Bretton Woods


South Korea and Russia: Eurasian Development To Counter Financial Collapse

by Michael Billington and Rachel Douglas

During South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s Sept. 28-30 visit to Moscow, the top agenda items were developing Eurasian infrastructure, and dealing with the international financial crisis.

View from Senior Russian Economist: The Crisis Leaps Across the Planet

by Stanislav Menshikov

Prof. Menshikov presents Lyndon LaRouche’s forecasting record to a Russian audience, through the weekly Slovo. “Among the few economists who look at root causes, and therefore see what others cannot see, is the American scholar Lyndon LaRouche,” he writes.


Is British Agent Soros Still Running Obama’s Campaign?  

by Anton Chaitkin and Jeffrey Steinberg

A profile of the interface between George Soros’s international networks and the Obama support apparatus. But Soros always hedges his bets, and he has tentacles in John McCain’s campaign machine as well.

The Weatherman Case Today

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

LaRouche demonstrates that Bill Ayers’ attempt to cover up the significance of his role in the Weathermen terrorist operations, reveals that Ayers’ form of fascist ideology today is the same as that of the Weathermen in the 1960s.

Documentation: Bill Ayers’ online posting of April 6, 2008, “Episodic Notoriety—Fact and Fantasy.”

National News


The World’s Choice: Suicide by Banker, or Return to Bretton Woods  

by John Hoefle

All the wild-eyed bailout schemes to revive the dead global financial system are the equivalent of giving junkies more of the drugs that are killing them. The real solution requires shutting down the derivatives markets, and putting the system through bankruptcy.

Greenspan Shrugged: LaRouche’s Two-Decade Fight Against Greenspan’s Derivatives Policy

LYM Asks Fellow Mexicans: ‘Now Are You Ready To Listen to LaRouche?’

by Dennis Small

The LaRouche Youth Movement is stepping up its campaign for a New Bretton Woods, even as Mexico’s financial system goes through the floor. Remittances from workers in the United States are falling, and the government wants to unload a big chunk of its debt onto the national oil company Pemex.

India’s Revamped Nuclear Power Generation Plan Is Inadequate

by Ramtanu Maitra


Africa Report

by Douglas DeGroot

South Africa Hit by Ruling Party Split.


Turn the World Upside Down!
