..Larouche Online Almanac
Published: Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007

Volume 6, Issue Number 1

*Sponsored by LaRouchePAC

This Week You Need To Know:

'Chickenhawk Down': The Real Target Is Iran

by Jeffrey Steinberg

In response to the James Baker III and Lee Hamilton-directed Iraq Study Group report, President Bush and Vice President Cheney turned to their chickenhawk allies at the American Enterprise Institute to craft a counter-plan, based on the fantasy premise that a "surge" of American troops could secure victory in Iraq before the next Presidential election in November 2008. On Dec. 14, AEI fellow Frederick Kagan released the Institute's utopian scheme, "Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq Interim Report." The 52-page power-point presentation, delivered by Kagan at an AEI forum, argued, in effect, that a two-year "surge" of upwards of 50,000 additional U.S. combat soldiers into Baghdad and into the Sunni stronghold al-Anbar Province, would break the back of the resistance and bring peace and stability to Iraq.

The AEI document outright rejected the idea at the heart of the Baker-Hamilton study: that the U.S. must negotiate directly with all of Iraq's neighbors, including Iran and Syria, and settle the Israel-Palestine conflict, if there is any hope of stabilizing Iraq and withdrawing the American forces—without having to shoot their way out of the country.
In fact, the Kagan scheme, according to sources familiar with the latest neo-con maneuverings, is premised on the creation of a Sunni bloc of "moderate" states, that will confront Iran and the Shi'ite "extremists" throughout the Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean region—in a de facto alliance with Israel. Unspoken, but underlying the "Choosing Victory" plan, is the ludicrous idea that Saudi Arabia will cut off the flow of funds and weapons to the Sunni insurgents, thus hastening their defeat. The "Sunni bulwark" scheme, which was peddled to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah by Vice President Cheney when he visited Riyadh in late November 2006, just before the release of the Baker-Hamilton report, is premised on an expansion of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), to include Egypt and Jordan; and the buildup of a military alliance between the "GCC-Plus-Two" and NATO.......complete article, PDF


This Week's News Updates:
for the
US Economy, Animated Studies New: The WLYM Animation Project
Animated Studies of the US Physical Economy.
Proposed Rail Development Corridors.

Recent LaRouche Webcasts*

"Organizing the Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007" Nov. 16, 2006
World Crisis on Eve of U.S. General Election - From Berlin Oct. 31, 2006
"A World-Historical Moment" - From Berlin Sept. 6, 2006
"Rohatyn as Satan" July 20, 2006
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" June 9, 2006
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" Apr. 27, 2006
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" Feb. 23, 2006
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones
Jan. 11, 2006
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants
Nov. 16, 2005
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" Oct. 12, 2005
Sept. 16, 2005
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
*Sponsored by LaRouchePAC

This Week in
American History

January 2—8, 1934

President Franklin Roosevelt Delivers His 1935 State of the Union Message to Congress

After almost two years of developing programs to bring America out of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt presented the results to date, as well as his plans for the future, to a joint session of Congress on January 4, 1935. The President's future plans included a massive infrastructure-building program which would provide jobs for the 3.5 million able-bodied people who were still unemployed, and a proposal for Social Security legislation which would be sent to Congress on January 17.

President Roosevelt began his address by saying that "The Constitution wisely provides that the Chief Executive shall report to the Congress on the state of the Union, for through you, the chosen legislative representatives, our citizens everywhere may fairly judge the progress of our governing. I am confident that today, in the light of the events of the past two years, you do not consider it merely a trite phrase when I tell you that I am truly glad to greet you and that I look forward to common counsel, to useful cooperation, and to genuine friendships between us."

The President continued: "We have undertaken a new order of things; yet we progress to it under the framework and in the spirit and intent of the American Constitution. We have proceeded throughout the Nation a measurable distance on the road toward this new order. Materially, I can report to you substantial benefits to our agricultural population, increased industrial activity, and profits to our merchants. Of equal moment, there is evident a restoration of the spirit of confidence and faith which marks the American character. Let him, who, for speculative profit or partisan purpose, without just warrant would seek to disturb or dispel this assurance, take heed before he assumes responsibility for any act which slows our onward steps.

"Throughout the world, change is the order of the day. In every Nation economic problems, long in the making, have brought crises of many kinds for which the masters of old practice and theory were unprepared. In most Nations, social justice, no longer a distant ideal, has become a definite goal, and ancient Governments are beginning to heed the call.

"Thus, the American people do not stand alone in the world in their desire for change. We seek it through tested liberal traditions, through processes which retain all of the deep essentials of that republican form of representative government first given to a troubled world by the United States.

"As the various parts in the program begun in the Extraordinary Session of the 73rd Congress shape themselves in practical administration, the unity of our program reveals itself to the Nation. The outlines of the new economic order, rising from the disintegration of the old, are apparent. We test what we have done as our measures take root in the living texture of life. We see where we have built wisely and where we can do still better.

"The attempt to make a distinction between recovery and reform is a narrowly conceived effort to substitute the appearance of reality for reality itself. When a man is convalescing from illness, wisdom dictates not only cure of the symptoms, but also removal of their cause.

"We find our population suffering from old inequalities, little changed by past sporadic remedies. In spite of our efforts and in spite of our talk, we have not weeded out the overprivileged and we have not effectively lifted up the underprivileged. Both of these manifestations of injustice have retarded happiness. No wise man has any intention of destroying what is known as the profit motive; because by the profit motive we mean the right by work to earn a decent livelihood for ourselves and for our families.

"We have, however, a clear mandate from the people, that Americans must forswear that conception of the acquisition of wealth which, through excessive profits, creates undue private power over private affairs and, to our misfortune, over public affairs as well. In building toward this end we do not destroy ambition, nor do we seek to divide our wealth into equal shares on stated occasions. We continue to recognize the greater ability of some to earn more than others. But we do assert that the ambition of the individual to obtain for him and his a proper security, a reasonable leisure, and a decent living throughout life, is an ambition to be preferred to the appetite for great wealth and great power.

"I recall to your attention my message to the Congress last June in which I said: 'among our objectives I place the security of the men, women, and children of the Nation first.' That remains our first and continuing task; and in a very real sense every major legislative enactment of this Congress should be a component part of it.

"In defining immediate factors which enter into our quest, I have spoken to the Congress and the people of three great divisions:

1. The security of a livelihood through the better use of the land in which we live.

2. The security against the major hazards and vicissitudes of life.

3. The security of decent homes.

"I am now ready to submit to the Congress a broad program designed ultimately to establish all three of these factors of security—a program which because of many lost years will take many future years to fulfill.

"A study of our national resources, more comprehensive than any previously made, shows the vast amount of necessary and practicable work which needs to be done for the development and preservation of our natural wealth for the enjoyment and advantage of our people in generations to come. The sound use of land and water is far more comprehensive than the mere planting of trees, building of dams, distributing of electricity or retirement of sub-marginal land. It recognizes that stranded populations, either in the country or the city, cannot have security under the conditions that now surround them.

"To this end, we are ready to begin to meet this problem—the intelligent care of population throughout our Nation, in accordance with an intelligent distribution of the means of livelihood for that population. A definite program for putting people to work, of which I shall speak in a moment, is a component part of this greater program of security of livelihood through the better use of our national resources.

"Closely related to the broad problem of livelihood is that of security against the major hazards of life. Here also, a comprehensive survey of what has been attempted or accomplished in many Nations and in many States proves to me that the time has come for action by the national Government. I shall send to you, in a few days, definite recommendations based on these studies. These recommendations will cover the broad subjects of unemployment insurance and old age insurance, of benefits for children, for mothers, for the handicapped, for maternity care and for other aspects of dependency and illness where a beginning can now be made.

"The third factor—better homes for our people—has also been the subject of experimentation and study. Here, too, the first practical steps can be made through the proposals which I shall suggest in relation to giving work to the unemployed.

"The work itself will cover a wide field including clearance of slums, which for adequate reasons cannot be undertaken by private capital; in rural housing of several kinds, where, again, private capital is unable to function; in rural electrification; in the reforestation of the great watersheds of the Nation; in an intensified program to prevent soil erosion and to reclaim blighted areas; in improving existing road systems and in constructing national highways designed to handle modern traffic; in the elimination of grade crossings; in the extension and enlargement of the successful work of the Civilian Conservation Corps; in non-Federal works, mostly self-liquidating and highly useful to local divisions of Government; and on many other projects which the Nation needs and cannot afford to neglect.

"This is the method which I propose to you in order that we may better meet this present-day problem of unemployment. Its greatest advantage is that it fits logically and usefully into the long-range permanent policy of providing the three types of security which constitute as a whole an American plan for the betterment of the future of the American people.

"I shall consult with you from time to time concerning other measures of national importance. Among the subjects that lie immediately before us are the consolidation of Federal regulatory administration over all forms of transportation, the renewal and clarification of the general purposes of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the strengthening of our facilities for the prevention, detection and treatment of crime and criminals, the restoration of sound conditions in the public utilities field through abolition of the evil features of holding companies, the gradual tapering off of the emergency credit activities of Government, and improvement in our taxation forms and methods."

"The ledger of the past year shows many more gains than losses. Let us not forget that, in addition to saving millions from utter destitution, child labor has been for the moment outlawed, thousands of homes saved to their owners and most important of all, the morale of the Nation has been restored. Viewing the year 1934 as a whole, you and I can agree that we have a generous measure of reasons for giving thanks.

"It is not empty optimism that moves me to a strong hope in the coming year. We can, if we will, make 1935 a genuine period of good feeling, sustained by a sense of purposeful progress. Beyond the material recovery, I sense a spiritual recovery as well, The people of America are turning as never before to those permanent values that are not limited to the physical objectives of life. There are growing signs of this on every hand. In the fact of these spiritual impulses we are sensible of the Divine Providence to which Nations turn now, as always, for guidance and fostering care."

Latest From LaRouche

The following feature article by Lyndon LaRouche, "What the Congress Needs To Learn: The Lost Art of the Capital Budget," was issued Jan. 3, as a special EIR pre-publication white paper, to make it available for the new 110th Congress, being sworn in Jan. 4. Readers of EIR Online are among the first to have access to this important policy statement by Mr. LaRouche. It will also appear in next week's InDepth Coverage.

The Lost Art of The Capital Budget
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Dedicated, poetically, to my wife, Helga, for the ominously lovely occasion of our 29th Wedding Anniversary.

December 22, 2006

Since that notorious uproar of 1968, which erupted in Europe as in the Americas, the mayfly passions of the upper twenty percentile of today's reigning white collar ("Baby Boomer") generation, are frequently expressed as a loss of the desire for the practice of long-term marriages, a loss of caring for the prospects for younger generations, and a loss of any interest in investment in the future of the physical economy of other nations, or even their own. Hence, since that generation dominates our Senate and also much of our House of Representatives, our Congress had, in the main, lately misplaced the pivotal conception on which the future existence of our nation now depends: the concept of the capital budget.

This must now be changed.

...full article, html

InDepth Coverage
Current EIR Cover
Links to articles from
Executive Intelligence Review,
Vol. 34, No. 1
To navigate the content of the entire issue,
please begin by clicking anywhere on Page 1.

...Requires Adobe Reader®.


Read Between the Votes: The Power of the 'New Politics'
by Michael Kirsch, LaRouche Youth Movement

Unfolding in the form of a landslide against the Republican incumbent of the 23rd Congressional District in Texas on Dec. 12, the quintessential predicate of the post-Nov. 7 transformation has put a magnifying glass to what Lyndon LaRouche illustrated on Nov. 26 as the 'New Politics.' The impact of a small number of strategically deployed young adults of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) triggering the decisive margin of victory, was not a wild, political fluke deriving from the Nov. 7 midterm election, but a replicatable and knowable method of political organizing.

San Antonio Special Election
LaRouche's 'Mass Effect' Organizing Principle Confirmed
by Natalie Lovegren

The Dec. 12, 2006 run-off election in Texas's new 23rd Congressional District provides an elucidating example of the method that sparked what Lyndon LaRouche has called the 'New Politics.' The campaign waged by the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) was a physical experiment that catalyzed a landslide Democratic victory.

Tejano Dems Meet in San Antonio; The 'New Politics' Is Introduced
by Harley Schlanger

Three days before the Dec. 12 special run-off election for Texas's 23rd Congressional District seat, between underdog Democrat Ciro Rodriguez and Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla, the Tejano Democrats in San Antonio sponsored a panel on the theme, 'Which Direction for the Democratic Party?' The purpose of the event was to review the outcome of the Nov. 7 election in Texas, so that the Democrats might make the changes necessary to once again win statewide elective offices.

Rodriguez Victory Was Anti-Dean Landslide
The LaRouche Political Action Committee published this press release after the Dec. 12 upset victory by Democrat Ciro Rodriguez in the runoff election in Texas.
Dec. 13—
The victory by Democrat Ciro Rodriguez in the runoff election for the 23rd Congressional District of Texas on Dec. 12 was accomplished despite the efforts of DNC Chairman Howard Dean to sabotage the race, said Lyndon LaRouche, after being briefed on the outcome. Dean did everything possible to lose this election, by adopting a mechanicalstatistical 'strategy' aimed at suppressing the vote, by appealing only to known voters, and acting to prevent Rodriguez from using campaign debates to clarify the crucial stakes in this special election.

LYM in Ohio: Interpretation vs. Reality
by Joe Smalley, LaRouche Youth Movement

Consider the maps and tables included on these pages, correlating them with the involvement of the LaRouche Youth Movement with the Nov. 7 midterm election results in the state of Ohio. Notice the substantial resultant differences in the highlighted locations, between 2002 and 2006, and consider the following series of questions: What created this observed, dramatic change? Many interpretations have surfaced since the elections on why the Democrats enjoyed a landslide victory, so, which interpretation ought you to believe?

Election 2006
The Inside Story Of Dean's Sabotage
by Debra Hanania-Freeman

When Senate Democrat Tim Johnson was rushed into emergency surgery on Dec. 13 to alleviate intercranial bleeding caused by a congenital defect, Democrats across the nation held their breaths. Prior to that day, many Democrats outside of his home state of South Dakota had never even heard of the centrist Democrat. But, the realization that he might not be unable to serve out the remaining two years of his term, highlighted the fragility of the Democrats' 51-49 lead in the Senate. The press wasted no time in speculating that, should Senator Johnson die, South Dakota's Republican Gov. Mike Rounds would likely name a Republican to succeed him; a move that would not only erase the Democrats' one-vote majority, but would also give Vice President Dick Cheney the decisive vote on critical issues.

Freshmen Dems Mean New Kind of Congress
by the LaRouche Youth Movement and EIR Staff

Since the surprising landslide victory of the Democratic Party in the Nov. 7 midterm elections, many Americans now want to know: 'What will the incoming Democratic Congress do as the Majority?' 'Will weget out of Iraq, and finally impeach those bums?!'

109th Congress Comes To an Unlamented End
by Carl Osgood

The 109th Congress finally stumbled to a conclusion in the wee hours of Saturday, Dec. 9, bringing to an end 12 years of Republican rule on Capitol Hill. During those 12 years, Republican control of the Congress often looked more like a one-party dictatorship, particularly under the leadership of disgraced former Speaker of the House Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), than it ever did any honest attempt to conduct the Constitutional responsibilities of the legislative branch.

View the entire Feature series above, as a long PDF file


A Narrow Band of Decision
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

December 15, 2006
So far, the prevailing mood in the U.S. Congress is a grimly hysterical, Chamberlainesque mood of wishful confidence, the wish-driven obsession with the hope that no great financial collapse will actually happen 'in our time.'

Growing 'Bubble Within' The Housing Bubble
by Richard Freeman

In the preceding report, Lyndon LaRouche focuses on the 'soaring mortgage bubble within the mortgage bubble.' The growth of this process is an incontestable marker that the U.S. mortgage bubble has reached a desperate stage of instability; the continued enlargement of the 'bubble within the bubble' would of necessity rupture itself and the larger $17 trillion Greenspan mortgage bubble within which it is intimately situated. That would bring down the U.S. financial system.

2006 Buyout Wave Is Default Blowout of 2007
by Paul Gallagher

The fourth-quarter explosion of so-called 'leveraged buyouts' worldwide, accelerated wildly in the final weeks of the year, marked on Dec. 18 by the announcement of $87 billion 'worth' of such buyouts, the fourth day in three months in which at least $75 billion in leveraged takeovers was made public.

Why Indian Scientists Oppose the U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement
by Ramtanu Maitra

At a ceremony in the White House on Dec. 18, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the U.S.-India nuclear agreement, otherwise known as the Henry J. Hyde U.S.-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act. The bill would enable American nuclear transfers to India to take place in the future, following a 32-year moratorium. In India, however, the opposition to the bill remains strong within the scientific community, which believes that it would stymie India's indigenous and hard-earned thorium fuel-based nuclear program. As a result of their pointed arguments, the Manmohan Singh government has yielded to the parliamentary opposition's demand for a full discussion of the bill in India's Parliament.

110th Congress Health-Care Policy: End HMOs; Rebuild Hospitals
by Mary Jane Freeman

The 110th Congress must seize the initiative to restore the FDR legacy of accessible and affordable health care for all, by reestablishing the only valid metric for health-care investment: the cost in human lives lost if health care is denied. It is providing for the general welfare, a promise of the Constitution, that defines what must be the nation's priorities. To have a productive and growing economy, we need a healthy population. The costs of health care must be so framed.

Health Care Package:

Reverse Shortage of Doctors and Nurses
by Pat Salisbury

In what many consider an extraordinary turnaround, in the last few years, the major gate-keepers of the medical profession have been forced to acknowledge that the shortage in the supply of physicians in the United States has reached a crisis level.

Interview: Dr. Richard A. Cooper, M.D.
To Train More Doctors, Remove Residency Caps

Dr. Cooper is the former dean, executive vice president, and Health Policy Institute director of the Medical College of Wisconsin, and has been a professor of medicine and a senior fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, since 2005. Patricia Salisbury interviewed Dr. Cooper on Dec. 12, 2006.

The Case of New York
Rohatyn's Cronies Destroy Medical Care
by Patricia Salisbury

In a dramatic move Dec. 21, New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr. held a news conference on the impact of the proposed closures ofNew York City emergency room service. A plan to shut down nine hospitals in New York State and to reorganize 48 more, reducing the number of hospital beds in the state by over 4,200 and nursing home beds by 3,000, was scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2007. According to a report on New York public radio, Thompson told the media that the Berger Commission plan had looked too much at the economics of health care and not enough at the needs of communities.

An Immoral HMO Case in Virginia
This Dec. 17 leaflet, titled 'Health Insurance Companies Threaten Our Lives: Cut Their Profits, Not Hospital Care!' was widely circulated in Washington, D.C. and northern Virginia by the LaRouche Political Action Committee.

Science and Technology:

Confirmation That Mars Is a Changing Planet
An announcement of stunning new results from Mars on Dec. 6, 2006, indicates that water may be flowing on the surface of that planet today. Marsha Freeman reports.
In the minds of men, Mars has been changing throughout the ages, as the capability of scientific instruments advanced. When ground-based telescopes gave way to visiting spacecraft, the myth of intelligent beings on Mars disappeared, and new mysteries evolved. As the most Earth-like planet, Mars has held special interest, in that it is the most likely place in the Solar System that could have supported at least primitive life. So leaving aside little green men, or H.G. Wells' depressing creatures in The War of the Worlds, the question is posed: 'Was there life on Mars?'


'Chickenhawk Down': The Real Target Is Iran
by Jeffrey Steinberg

In response to the James Baker III and Lee Hamilton-directed Iraq Study Group report, President Bush and Vice President Cheney turned to their chickenhawk allies at the American Enterprise Institute to craft a counter-plan, based on the fantasy premise that a 'surge' of American troops could secure victory in Iraq before the next Presidential election in November 2008.

Where Baker-Hamilton Stands
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

December 22, 2006
Since the majority of the leading European press surveyed has promoted a falsified view of the current political situation inside the U.S.A., I report the following essential facts of the situation there. The framers of the Baker-Hamilton Commission's report have informed leading circles inside the U.S.A., that the report was composed on the basis of foreknowledge that both President George W. Bush, Jr. and Vice-President Dick Cheney, would reject those proposals, unless maximum public pressure from relevant circles would mobilize broad popular and other opinion to bring about the adoption of those proposals. The new U.S. Congress will not be seated until shortly after the beginning of the new calendar year. In the meantime, there is no doubt among well-informed circles inside the U.S.A., that Vice-President Dick Cheney is committed to a massive aerial attack on Iran at some time during the immediate few months ahead. Throughout the U.S., the opposition to the present war in Iraq has reached the level of a widespread demand for Cheney's early impeachment.

News From U.S. Brings New Hope for Germany
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The following is a translation of a mass leaflet now being circulated in Germany under the headline, 'New Year's Message from the Schiller Institute: Finally! Good News from the U.S.A.: New Hope for Germany.'
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche is the chairwoman of the Schiller Institute in Germany.
Dear Citizens, The Democratic victory in the U.S. Congressional elections on Nov. 7 brings tidings of hope for Germany. The Democrats' landslide victory was due in large part to the massive increase in voter participation by young Americans aged 18 to 35. And this shift in attitude in a growing number of America's youth, has become a decisive factor in international policy-making and in America's foreign policy.

I Defend President Jimmy Carter
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. comments on President Carter's new book, Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid, and his broader foreign policy role.
I intervene to defend former President Jimmy Carter at this instant, for two reasons.
First, he is right on the issue of the title of his current book. What the Israelis and others are currently practicing against the Palestinians, is nothing differing in principle from a continuing practice of Apartheid. Every sane and intelligent political figure I know agrees with that in fact, but only a few of those politicians acting in the tradition of 'political animals,' are willing to be caught saying that publicly.

Bu¨So Conference Offers New Leadership for Germany
by Rainer Apel and Bonnie James

The dramatic shift of political constellations in the United States, toward what Lyndon LaRouche has called the 'New Politics,' after the Nov. 7 midterm elections—in significant part brought about by the political 'mass effect' introduced by the LaRouche Youth Movement in mobilizing the youth vote for the Democrats—has not yet led to changed policies by the German establishment and its media. The German government, the political parties, the 'experts,' are still on autopilot, as if nothing had changed since Nov. 7. So far, the LaRouche movement in Germany and its political arm, the Bu¨So (Civil Rights Movement Solidarity), have been the only ones to respond to the changed U.S. situation, reshaping the party to make it fit for the political struggles to come.

'New Politics' Comes to the Philippines, As Plan To Subvert Constitution Fails
by Mike Billington

A dramatic victory for the Philippine nation was achieved during the week of Dec. 10, when, under the threat of mass demonstrations from nearly all the institutions of the state, the government threw in the towel in its effort to implement a charter change ('cha-cha,' in popular usage, meaning a revision of the Constitution). But the real cause of the capitulation was in Washington—the fact that the government in Manila had suddenly lost its 'protection,' when the Bush/ Cheney team was delivered a solid defeat in the Nov. 7, 2006 U.S. elections. Suddenly, the would-be Emperor in Manila had no clothes.

Report from Iran: The Elections and The Economy Put Ahmadinejad on Notice
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

As the New Year opens, U.S. policy on Iran will be one of the items high on the agenda of both the Bush-Cheney war party, and those institutional forces committed to imposing a new, sane policy for the entire region, as indicated in the BakerHamilton report. To this end, a firsthand overview of developments in Iran should be useful.

  • Interview: Hossein Shariatmadari
    'The Sunni vs. Shi'ite Scheme Is Meaningless'

    Hossein Shariatmadari is the Representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and is president of the Kayhan Group of Newspapers and Publications. Kayhan is considered to reflect the views of the government. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach interviewed him on Dec. 4, 2006, in his Tehran office. He spoke through an interpreter.
  • Interview: Mohammad Atrianfar
    Iran Under Hardliners: An Insider's View

    Mohammad Atrianfar is a political activist and close aide to former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani. He is the founder of three newspapers, Hamshahri, Kargozaran, and Sharq (the latter, recently closed). He was interviewed by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach in his Tehran office on Dec. 7, and spoke through an interpreter.

Report From France
by Christine Bierre

'End-of-Regime' Crisis Is Under Way Of all the 2007 Presidential candidates, only LaRouche's friend Jacques Cheminade offers a real alternative.

Cheney Is the Missing Link!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The carefully composed, following report, by our Scott Thompson, is a chronology of the associated events surrounding the strange death of British intelligence officer Dr. David Kelly, in England, and the suicide of Jeremy Duggan, in Germany, all in the same short time-frame. This investigation has led investigators to the crucial connection of these deaths to the family circle of U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney and his independently notorious wife Lynne Cheney.

  • Baroness Symons Of Vernham Dean
    by Scott Thompson and Jeffrey Steinberg

    Elizabeth Symons, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean (created Life Peer by nomination of Tony Blair in 1996), is a Senior Labour Peer, director of two companies, consultant to business, and a key figure in the Jeremiah Duggan transatlantic slander operation against Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., along with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cheney. Here is an outline of the Baroness's career. ...

Montreal LYM Applies 'New Politics'
by Rob Ainsworth, LaRouche Youth Movement

The Liberal Party of Canada held its Federal leadership convention in Montreal, Quebec at the end of November and beginning of December, to elect a new leader and, or so many claimed, the 'next Prime Minister of Canada.' The Liberals enjoy vaunting themselves as the great nation-building party of Canada and a veritable force for goodness; however, the reality is something quite different. ...


Political Revolution Requires Aesthetic Education of Man
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of Germany's Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (Bu¨So), gave the following speech on Nov. 18, to the annual congress of the Solidarity and Progress party in France, which is backing the Presidential candidacy of party president Jacques Cheminade. She spoke in English.
I think we are actually in a very good moment of history, because when Lyn [Lyndon LaRouche] said that it would be the youth who would be the revolutionary difference in bringing change in the world at this moment, I think this was just very powerfully demonstrated by the American part of the LaRouche Youth Movement.


The Old Economics Are Dead; The New Economics Must Begin
On Jan. 11, 2007, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the capital of the United States, Lyndon LaRouche is going to address the headlined theme above in an international webcast. With a new Congress, dominated by Democrats for the first time in 12 years, coming into town right after the first of the year, there is a sea-change in Washington, making it ripe for dramatic changes away from the economic and strategic policy which has driven the United States into disaster, changes LaRouche has vigorously championed.

View This week's Almanac Section*, as a long .pdf file.

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