In this issue:

U.S. Will Coordinate Sudan Policy With the United Nations

Nubian Aquifer: Transition to Nuclear Desalination

Nasser's Geologist: Use Resources; Grow!

From Volume 5, Issue Number 48 of EIR Online, Published Nov. 28, 2006
Africa News Digest

See InDepth this week for the following coverage:

U.S. Will Coordinate Sudan Policy With the United Nations

The U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan indicated a possible U.S. policy shift, which would undercut the effort to get the United States entangled in a war against that African nation.

Nubian Aquifer: Transition to Nuclear Desalination

Now, the mention of the Nubian Aquifer, in connection with suffering in Darfur, once again throws the spotlight on the kind of development approach needed on an emergency basis, to build up national economies across the multi-state region as the basis for peace.

Nasser's Geologist: Use Resources; Grow!

A review of a book by Rushdi Said, who was on the Industrialization Commission for Gen. Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt (1954 to 1970).

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