From Volume 5, Issue Number 14 of EIR Online, Published Apr. 4, 2006

Latest From LaRouche


Here is Lyndon LaRouche's press conference, which was attended by two media representatives and several youth. After the press conference, LaRouche talked with some of the youth and supporters who had attended.

MODERATOR: Do you want to make introductory remarks?


I've given a number of addresses, as well as at "Tec," during my recent visit here, and I thought it was appropriate to have a press conference, at which I could answer questions on matters which I have not covered in these addresses. The problem that I want to specifically focus on, is the fact that, in Mexico, even though it's next to the United States, some of the most important things that are happening inside the United States are not much discussed. Essentially, I have a very peculiar position inside the U.S. Democratic Party and institutions, particularly since 2004, July of 2004, when a lot of the Democratic Party leadership agreed to accept my leadership in some role. And we had a very successful year in 2005, where most of us were united, especially in the Senate and some people in the House of Representatives, in defeating Bush on the attempt to eliminate Social Security. The situation now is a little more tenuous, the Democratic Party is not quite as well-united, as much as it was then.

But all this is happening, at the point that the biggest financial crisis in modern history is now breaking out. The next three months are likely to be among the most crucial. And since there's an election in Mexico of some importance, I think it's important that I say what I have to say about the conditions which Mexico faces.

Essentially, the situation is this: The passing of the leadership of Alan Greenspan from the Federal Reserve Board left the world economy with the worst inflationary crisis in a very long period of history. The decision was made in leading circles, including the Federal Reserve Board, to shut down the international carry-trade. The international carry-trade is the biggest factor in inflation in the world today. But that means that you're going to have a very dangerous collapse of the world financial system which is going on right now. You have the bankruptcy of Iceland, the bankruptcy of New Zealand, the threat of a similar condition in Australia. This is going to affect every financial market in the world, and could trigger a real-estate mortgage bubble inside the United States.

So, we're entering a period, as you see, in France, strikes in France—mass strikes; a lesser degree, mass strikes in Germany; and volcanic, earthquake-like effects in other parts of the world.

So, what the situation is today with the Mexican Presidential campaigns, and what they will be at the time of the election, may be far different. I think that Mexicans should be informed of this, so I wanted to make myself available on that question.

Q: If the next President of Mexico turns out to be Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, as the polls indicate, what does that mean for the United States, that a leftist take the reins of power in Mexico?

LAROUCHE: That's not bad. It's not a serious problem. First of all, we have too much regime-change going on from the United States to other countries today. Especially in the Americas, we need a system of sovereign nation-states, which means the U.S. government must accept the decision of the people of Mexico in their choice of candidate, and not use pressure to try to interfere with the internal politics of Mexico. Instead of using pressure, we should use diplomacy, to try to find ways to work together with whoever the new President is. There's too much giving orders.

Q: Under current conditions where you have very good relations between the United States and Mexico, how will these—what will happen when the next government comes in in Mexico? Will the relations improve?

LAROUCHE: We are going to have a crisis in the United States in the meantime, and therefore there's a certain amount of uncertainty about what the conditions will be after July.

For example, right now, the entire U.S. domestic auto industry is at the verge of collapse. The international situation is—for example, the case of Iraq-Iran: The majority of Democratic and Republican legislators and similar people is for dumping the Bush policy of confrontation with Iran.

Because the situation for the U.S. military in Iraq is worse than ever it was in Indo-China. The Iraq situation is a total military disaster. The United States troops have got to get out, nearly immediately, despite Cheney.

So, we have the majority of Republicans and Democrats around the Congress say we have to get out. We can not walk away. We have to make an agreement with a number of governments, including Turkey and Iran, to achieve the stability of the region. And we cooperate, in withdrawing from the region.

This coincides with the worsening of the financial-monetary crisis. You look at the prices of gold, the price of precious metals, and non-precious metals: We have an explosive, hyperinflationary collapse in process.

My effort has been to get the U.S. government, especially the Senate—and you have people like Senator [Hillary] Clinton, the former President's wife, is among those who are working on this: My view is, the United States government has to take the auto industry into receivership to protect it, and buy up much of the capacity of the auto industry to build things like railroad systems, nuclear power systems, river systems, and other things that an engineering facility can do. Under these conditions, if we move in that direction, which we might, then it would not be difficult for the U.S. government to work together with a government, say, of the former Mayor of Mexico City [Lopez Obrador]. Because our great mutual interests, our cooperation on economy, and human relations. The fact that the largest single minority group in the United States is of Hispanic origin, which is also a very active group in the United States. Many have come recently from Mexico, especially the poorest. Therefore, the immediate issue on the table between the U.S. government and the Mexican government is the issue of dealing with this problem.

In my view, you take a state like Texas, the U.S. state of Texas, with about five states in Northern Mexico on the U.S. border: that obviously, the challenge is going to be to establish cooperation between Mexico and the United States government on social and economic solutions to the potential crisis, for example, all of this since the time of President Lopez Portillo here, when conditions were not as bad as now. Our policy has always been, to fight for the documentation of the so-called illegals in the United States, and then use Mexico's representatives inside the United States, the diplomatic representatives, to maintain responsibility for this relationship. Because it's a complicated situation. You can't make a simple formula, but you can always have a humane approach to solving whatever the problems are, and it has to be dictated by both governments together.

So therefore, the question is, the thing that would be on the table would be the economic issues and the social issues, especially with the illegals in the United States, and arrangements under which the two governments are in systematic cooperation dealing with border problems, and dealing with humanitarian problems. With a good government, a good change in government which could occur, fine. The danger is, that the Bush Administration might go the other way. And we have some very nasty people inside the United States, even though they're a minority.

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