From Volume 4, Issue Number 4 of EIR Online, Published Jan. 25, 2005

This Week You Need To Know

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

Society Needs a New Paradigm, More Worthy of the Dignity of Man

Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche gave this speech to an EIR seminar in Berlin on Jan. 12. Lyndon LaRouche's keynote speech to the seminar appeared in last week's "Need To Know," and can also be found in this week's InDepth Feature.

I just want to, in a certain sense self-reflect, or initiate a process of reflection, because actually what we are trying to discuss here with this seminar, is a vision for the 21st Century. We are not talking just about geopolitics, financial crisis—all of this; but, in a very fundamental way, we are struggling with the question: How can we make mankind more human? How can we make the political order on this planet more worthy of the dignity of man? And that has gone completely awry.

Now, for me, even though I'm a full-blooded politician and I'm working on this perspective of what we are doing here in the LaRouche movement for more than 35 years, I still look at the world, and say, "How could we come to this point? What went wrong with this world, that we have come to a point, where two continents are dying—Africa and Latin America; other countries are in a terrible condition; we are faced with the danger of a global fascism, again?" And, me being German, it is not so long ago that in 1945, after the last great, Nazi tragedy had happened, people were asking themselves, "How could this happen?" And they were saying, there was a very clear determination, "Never again. Never again can this happen."

Now, Mr. LaRouche, this morning, illuminated for us what was the reason, or how this whole commitment to never again have fascism, got subverted. I mean, obviously, the most important strategic dramatic thing, was that Franklin D. Roosevelt died at the wrong moment. And therefore, the commitment to have, after the Second World War, the end of colonialism, and to establish a world of sovereign republics did not function. And instead, you had practically—in Germany there was no "zero hour," there was no "new beginning." Because, not Franklin D. Roosevelt determined who did the re-education in Germany, but it was McCloy, the Dulles brothers.

And therefore—and this is what detonates the remarks I want to make here—the thing which really, for a German is so unbelievable, is that the re-education was done in large part by the same people who had financed Hitler to come to power: the Eugenics Society in America, Harriman, people who actually endorsed Hitler's race policies; and when the Nazis went West first, changed their view—what Lyn was talking about this morning.

These were the same people, who, during the Second World War, started to pick up Nazis already, to incorporate them into their system, in the famous operation with Walter Schellenberg, François Genoud, the people who then transported the Nazis, after the Second World War, all over the world, including to Latin America: These were the same people who organized the de-Nazification program—but with what perspective? With the perspective, to basically destroy the historical Classical roots of the German people in the Classical culture. The whole question of the Frankfurt School, the question of the Congress for Culture Freedom, put Germany—and not only Germany, also France, because John Train opened the Paris Review in France—the "Congress for Cultural Fascism" had, all over the world, influence in planting the seeds of this present world fascistic takeover....

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