Volume 25, Number 28, July 17, 1998




Take off the gloves for McDade-Murtha.

National Economy

How the government and Army built America’s railroads

by Anton Chaitkin

Historian Anton Chaitkin reports on the military-government alliance that brought America’s railroads into being. The oligarchical financial interests, such as Wall Street and big-name Eastern Establishment families, ended up owning, and, mostly, destroying, America’s railroads, but they didn’t build them.

John Quincy Adams: ‘Liberty is power’

Army-engineered rail construction projects

Great rail projects raised living standards

LaRouche: Railroads and the Eurasian Land-Bridge


Epicenter of financial crisis shifts to Russia

by Rachel Douglas and Konstantin George

The issue, as Deputy Premier Boris Nemtsov put it, is: “Will we succeed in avoiding a bankruptcy of the Russian Federation or not?” Handing over the Russian crisis to the IMF to cure, imperils civilization.

EIR confronts Camdessus

The Russian fight for ‘national economy’

by Rachel Douglas

The intelligentsia around the Academy of Sciences and government-linked think-tanks are beginning to debate how to save Russia’s physical economy from destruction by the financial pyramid and the IMF.

Only a healthy economy will save the ruble

Russia boosts India’s nuclear power program

by Ramtanu Maitra and Susan B. Maitra

Thailand rethinks IMF, looks to great projects to end depression

by Michael O. Billington

Thai patriots want to revive the Kra Canal.

Business Briefs


Where Franklin Roosevelt was interrupted  

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

“Had the same war-time, Roosevelt program of 1939-1945, been adapted to the rapid, post-war, agroindustrial development of new nations freshly freed from the debilitating hand of British, French, etc. imperialism, the U.S. and its partners would have enjoyed a continuing, post-war economic growth. The policy-shaping institutions established under the first two decades of such a post-war conversion program, would have virtually ensured further, planetary growth and stability throughout the 1945-1998 interval.”


Clinton’s China trip: a triumph, with tragic flaws

by Jonathan Tennenbaum

President Clinton achieved a very significant improvement in the climate of U.S.-China relations, but he missed the historic opportunity to engage China as a key ally of the United States in a “New Bretton Woods” policy to reorganize the bankrupt, collapsing international financial system.

Documentation: Excerpts from Presidents Bill Clinton’s and Jiang Zemin’s remarks during the visit.

Congressmen call for U.S. special peace envoy to end war in Sudan

by Linda de Hoyos

Venezuela: Will Caldera impose a national emergency?

by David Ramonet

International Intelligence


Starr shreds Constitution in ‘Get Clinton’ crusade

by Edward Spannaus

Starr has specifically violated the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

New ‘Pentagon papers’ show Linda Tripp was a high-level mole

by Anton Chaitkin

EIR has acquired papers from Tripp’s official descriptions of her own career in the military—including handling top secret material—that clearly point to having been a Bush “stay-behind” within the Clinton White House.

Congressional Closeup

by Carl Osgood

National News
