Volume 25, Number 2, January 9, 1998



Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

Production, instead of speculation.

From New Delhi

by Ramtanu Maitra

Indo-Russian ties get a boost.

Australia Dossier

by Michael J. Sharp

SAS trains mercenaries to smash unions.


A rail emergency—in the United States.

EIR Policy

Truthful, or merely ‘factual’?

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. analyzes the failures of today’s economists (and astrophysicists). Unlike the usual statistical projections of future events, the economic forecasts made by LaRouche have succeeded by identifying a characteristic “curvature” of economic processes, in the sense of “curvature” associated with the work of Carl Gauss and Bernhard Riemann. This curvature shows us, that continuation of currently prevailing policies must lead toward catastrophe, unless a specified change in axiomatic assumptions of policymaking were introduced during a certain estimable range of time available.


Showdown over South Korea: Save the day, not the banks

by Marcia Merry Baker

When U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin said he wouldn’t spend a nickel to bail out private creditors, banks got a Christmas present they didn’t much appreciate.

Documentation: Excerpts from Rubin’s blacked-out press conference.

China is preparing for financial ‘danger in times of peace’

by Mary Burdman

China’s leaders at the very highest level met at a Central Financial Work Conference in Beijing, to ready China to meet the financial crisis sweeping the globe.

China Daily: LaRouche ‘cautioned the world’

Currency Rates

Turkmenistan-Iran pipeline: progress toward the Eurasian Land-Bridge

by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

Business Briefs


The lessons of Classical tragedy for today’s crisis

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

“There is no question, that we are living today in an ongoing, unprecedented crisis of civilization,” Helga Zepp LaRouche told a Schiller Institute conference in Germany. “The most horrifying aspect of what is unfolding in front of our eyes every day, is the incredible blindness of almost everybody in positions of power, in positions of government, about the approaching monstrosity—that which we can feel and see on the horizon, which is coming, and to which the governments are blinding themselves, and are not reacting.”

Havel on the cultural roots of the political crisis

by Václav Havel

The Classical roots of European civilization

An African tragedy: the case of Uganda

A speech by Paul Ssemogerere, president of the Democratic Party of Uganda.

Ideas, not opinions, are needed to save the world

by Jonathan Tennenbaum

Jonathan Tennenbaum reports on a seminar of eastern European, Asian, and other activists, with Lyndon LaRouche, on the world economic and political crisis.

China’s plan for economic growth

by Bi Jiyao, Ph.D.

A paper by Bi Jiyao, Ph.D., entitled “The History and Current Status of Economic Reform in China.”

Armenia’s economy, and the danger of war

by Haik Babookhanian

From a speech by Haik Babookhanian, a member of the Presidium of the Union of Constitutional Rights of Armenia.


Mobilization against British terror intensifies

by Joseph Brewda

The attack on the British for safehousing terrorists is spreading throughout the Islamic world.

International Intelligence


National News
