Volume 12, Number 13, April 2, 1985



Report from Bonn

by Michael Weissbach

The Worst Choice for U.S. Ambassador.

Report from Paris

by Jacques Cheminade

Toward a Swiss “Recentering.”

Africa Report

by Mary Lalevée

Africa Could Reclaim the Desert.

Northern Flank

by Aurora Borealis

Battering Ram against Danish Farming.


by Augustinus

Dope and Anthropology Are Scored.

Dateline Mexico

by Josefina Menéndez

Who Wants the Casinos?

Andean Report

by Gretchen Small

The New Plot of the “Cocaine Colonels.”

Inside the Pentagon

by Tecumseh

ISC—Moonies in the Military.


Did FBI Get U.S. Drug Agent Killed?


Volcker’s Treason Behind ’30s-Style Ohio Bank Run

by Christopher White

Now, as the illusions of a growing “U.S. economic recovery” are discredited by the newly erupted crises of the dollar, some are whispering nervously, “Do you suppose that LaRouche has been right all along?”

Crops Threatened by Irrigation Cutoff

by Nicholas F. Benton

Mexico: Labor Leader Calls For Freedom from the IMF, as Bankers Demand Equity

by Carlos Cota

Indian Space Effort Poised for Takeoff

by Ramanu Maitra

On the government’s determination to develop a complete national space program by the 1990s.

Currency Rates

The ‘Recovery’: Is the German Industrial Worker a Dying Species?

by Rainer Apel

Yes, and what’s left of German industry is dangerously dependent on contracts from the East.


by Kathy Wolfe

Chapter 11 for the United States?

International Credit

by Cassandra

It’s Official: U.S. a Debtor Nation.

Business Briefs

Special Report

Laser Technologies and the Next Industrial Revolution

by Carol White

Two years ago, an EIR study predicted that a massive influx of productivity into the economy would follow from crash implementation of President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Now, a new EIR study examines the actual impact of laser and related breakthroughs on the economy, and the potential which these give for an industrial takeoff—provided the vicious policies of Paul Volcker now suppressing industrial growth are reversed.

Medical and Chemical Technology Spinoffs of Directed-Energy Research

by Wolfgang Lillge, M.D. and John Grauerholz, M.D.


U.S. Cold Shoulder to President Mubarak Threatens Soviet Victory in Mideast

State Department bungling has been read in London, Moscow, Damascus, and Libya as a green-light for the Egyptian leader’s overthrow, and an early Soviet-directed Qaddafi takeover of Chad, Sudan, and Egypt.

Documentation: President Mubarak’s diplomatic offensive, and Soviet press denunciations.

A Proposed Strategic Operation against the Western Hemisphere’s Drug-Traffic

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Lyndon LaRouche’s general staff order for a real war on drugs, delivered before a Mexico City EIR seminar March 13.

Documentation: Mexican press coverage.

Sir Geoffrey Howe Leads British Charge against U.S. Strategic Defense Effort

by Laurent Murawiec

‘Final Solution’ for Turks in Bulgaria Signals Redrawing of the Balkan Map

by Konstantin George

International Intelligence


British Invade Washington Again To Torpedo the SDI

by Warren J. Hamerman

The President’s “victory” on the MX missile grabbed headlines, but it was worse than Pyrrhic.

Myth of the Economic ‘Recovery’ Hides Threat to U.S. National Security

by Leo Scanlon

A report on a March 18 seminar on Capitol Hill co-sponsored by EIR and the Fusion Energy Foundation.

Washington’s ‘Helpful Advice’ to Alfonsín

Congressional Closeup

by Kathleen Klenetsky

National News
