Volume 6, Number 15, April 17, 1979


This Week

SAC Maneuvers Blackmail Europe

The Week in Brief


The London Bubble

by David Goldman

South Korea Challenges the U.S

Credit Squeeze Plus Inventory Pileup Equals Disaster

by Richard Freeman

Screws Turned on Bonds and Euroloans

by Alice Roth

Behind the Banking Shakeup in West Germany

by Renée Sigerson

Foreign Exchange: At Issue Are Dollar-Fundamentals

by Susan Johnson

Britain: Tory Manifesto: Industrial Fire Sale

by Marla Minnicino

Trade: U.S. Electronics Want CoCom Beef-Up

by Katherine Ransohoff

Gold: Bullion Price Finally Dips

by Alice Roth

Corporate Strategy: After Harrisburg: Utilities Pressed To Lie Low

by Leif Johnson

Commodities: Bonn Raw Materials Compromise


The IMF Way to World War III

by Robert Dreyfuss

No technology for the Third World, says Secretary of State Vance.

Vance: the IMF’s Policy Must Prevail

Soviets Rebut U.S. Third World Policy

The IMF’s Holocaust in Africa

by Christopher White

NATO Plans End to Third World Sovereignty

Belgian-Habsburg Control of Zaire

by Douglas DeGroot

Latin America

‘Energy for Growth’: Mexico’s President Puts Daring New Plan before UN

by Timothy Rush

Chronicle of López Portillo’s Diplomacy

Economic Survey

Latin Economies Under Siege

by Timothy Rush

Free enterprise “cures” savage industry, living standards.

Mont Pelerin Society in Latin America

New Regime To Halt Brazilian Growth

by Mark Sonnenblick

The Truth on Chile’s ‘Economic Miracle’

by Mark Sonnenblick

Argentina: World’s Highest Inflation

by Dolia Estévez-Pettingell

Martínez de Hoz: Wearing an Eton Collar


After Bhutto: ‘Arc of Crisis’ in S. Asia

by Daniel Sneider

1. The Plot against Afghanistan

The World Reacts to Bhutto’s Death

2. Iran: A New Reign of Terror

Z.A. Bhutto: Nation Builder

by Daniel Sneider

Bhutto Tells Why Kissinger Killed Him

U.S. Report

Confrontation Gains Steam

Carter’s SALT Push Part of ‘Arc of Crisis’ Policy


Three Mile Island: A Dry Run for Crisis-Management News Control

by Vin Berg

Soviets: Western Press Coverage Antinuclear

Special Report

LaRouche Campaign Cracks Censored U.S. Media

by Anita Gallagher

Candidate assails Carter war policies on television and in press ads.

‘A Last-Minute Call for Sanity’

A sample of LaRouche’s media drive


‘Dissidents’: The Union’s Side of the Story

IBT official Lawrence McHenry says Camaratta would destroy the union.


Congressional Calendar

by Donald Baier and Barbara Dreyfuss

Labor Periscope: Teamsters Face Continued Austerity Fight

Facts Behind Terrorism: Europe Coordinating in Effective Counterterror Drive

by Jeffrey Steinberg

World Trade Review

Gold and Dollar Price Chart
